Why “Twin Flame” and “Soulmate” Aren’t Interchangeable
Art by Avery Zakocs
The term “soulmates” may be a one you have been familiar with since you were younger as a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. In my life, I saw couples and thought about them being soulmates and how they were meant for each other. I saw divorced couples and thought how they obviously were not soulmates and did not complete each other. I always thought soulmate was a romantic word and the only word to identify souls coming together.
As I became older, I heard the words soulmates and twin flames used almost interchangeably and without thinking much about it, I started to think it was the same thing. However, I could not be more wrong. They both mean two souls connected, right? Well, yes and no. Diving deeper into the two spiritual connections, there are major differences between the terms making both of them unique.
Twin flames are essentially one soul however, they live in two different bodies. These souls are often referred to as ‘mirror souls’ because when you find your twin flame, you will be looking into a mirror and see your own self in them. All your strengths, weaknesses, and insecurities will be shown through this other soul, making the first appearance and honeymoon phase emotionally intense. When you first see your twin flame, it will feel like you have already known them and it is common that the two of you will be very much alike.
A characteristic of twin flames is that they share common pain, thoughts, and emotions through telepathy. Although you may not be in the same place twin flames will often have the same dreams or share the same pains such as a headache. When twin flames are together they may have the same ideas, thoughts, or talk at the same time. Though this can happen in any relationship, it is more prominent with twin flames.
Unlike soulmates, twin flame relationships are very intense connections with your other half. Because the soul is split into two you only have one other twin flame, and some do not find them in their lifetime, making these connections extremely rare. Twin flames and soulmates are usually seen as romantic, but there are instances of platonic love with friends or even pets.
Through this relationship, the goal of twin flames is to grow and better themselves. However, this can lead to problems, fights, and even one of you leaving the relationship. Your twin flame is there to mirror you and help you grow past your trauma, doubts, insecurities and pain. This process can be overwhelming for many and may cause one to leave the relationship temporarily because of fear or anger in this process. It is actually very common for twin flame connections to act as an on and off relationship. These souls are magnetic though, and most twin flames will find their way back together sometime or other to continue to work on themselves.
Whether it is a twin flame or a soulmate, relationships take work. Fighting, bickering, and arguing is bound to happen in any relationship and it is up to you and your partner to ultimately make the right choice for yourselves. Twin flame connections are based on growth being the goal. With soulmates, you are closer to learning more about your true self through your partner. So whatever the case may be for you, do not be afraid to work and grow as your individual self with your partner.