One Small Way to Begin Dismantling Your Neoliberalism for Black Lives Matter

As a generation, the year 2020 has taught us all so much more about what systematic racism/oppression is, different ways to dismantle the concentrated power in the police forces, and the importance of taking a stand. 

A lot of us learned about these humongous topics through things as simple and brief as infographics on Instagram stories, the links in Instagram bios, and aesthetically pleasing graphic designs. 

Although many of these forms of spreading information are easy on the eye and simple to understand, these infographics and lists are usually hardly effective, if not at all in terms of directly supporting targeted communities. Yet, whether or not you want to admit it, we all seem to continue posting these without making any other efforts to support these movements and groups, whether financially or in any other real terms. It is very hard to simultaneously keep up a good political reputation through social media, while also taking separate time and research to do the real work that is needed.

In a time like this, taking accountability for and re-educating yourself is the most essential part of realigning your motives with these movements. Taking 15 minutes when you can to find and share bail funds, youtube videos whose earnings support BLM, local (and socially responsible) protests, or meetings with anti-racist revolutionary groups are all more substantial ways to make a difference and get educated. Equally important is taking what you’ve learned and spreading it to your home, family, and anyone else who wants to know how to take the next step in expanding their political and social impact and awareness.

Keep in mind: posting infographics solely with the intention to teach and educate comes from a good place. It’s still in an effort to support the movement and spread helpful and important information. But it’s just as essential that you take a good look at yourself, ask why you rely so heavily on Instagram politics for your reputation, and consider some ways to do something truly beneficial and educational. The BLM movement and its branches are all in need of much more support, whether or not the government is listening. We must all take matters into our own hands; not to be heroes, but to fight in order to one day break the cycle that works against our black communities within this deeply shattered and corrupt country.

☆ Resources, Donation Links, and Further Reading: ☆


Have You Met Amanda Gorman?


Is This the Beginning or the End?