All About Moldavite
Moldavite pendants from Twistful Thinking, LLC. Credit
By now, you’ve probably heard of Moldavite, the crystal spreading through Witch Tik Tok, with the videos of people crying over the crystal, saying that it caused their house to set on fire, drop out of college, or break up with who you thought was the love of your life. The greenish-brown crystal has taken over the lives of many, with its rapid changes.
In fact, moldavite is not even a crystal, it is a tektite. It’s made from a meteorite that crashed in the Czechsoslovakian mountain region about 15 million years ago. The impact from the crash is said to have had more power than an atomic explosion.
Moldavite essentially is a brutal high vibrational stone. It removes any obstacles between you and the path you’re supposed to be on. If there’s a “what if” behind a door, moldavite closes or opens that door. It flips your life upside down for the good, and the bad. Moldavite’s powerful energy aids spiritual awakening, transformation, meditation, and dream-work.
Ultimately, these rapid and extreme changes are for the better, but you have to ask yourself if you’re truly ready for your world to get turned upside down.
How does moldavite feel?
The most common reaction to holding moldavite is a tingling feeling that starts in the hand that’s holding it, that spreads all the way out into the body. The reaction then spreads to the chest, the area of the heart chakra, and then to the face, resulting in an intense heat flush. Carrying or wearing Moldavite in jewelry allows its energies to remain constant in one’s vibrational field throughout the day, thus strengthening its effects and increasing the incidents of beneficial changes in your life. Because of the high vibration, some who wears it may experience light-headedness or a lack of grounding. It is recommended that you acclimate yourself to gradually wearing the crystal, as it’s such a sudden and intense change in energy.
Where’s a good place to buy moldavite/How can I tell if it’s authentic?
It’s hard to determine the absolute best place to buy moldavite, as there are a lot of fakes being sold as real gems. The first thing to do in order to determine if your stone is authentic is to examine the stone’s color. Real moldavite should be a dark, somewhat mossy-colored green. If the stone you’re looking at is a brighter green, it’s most likely fake. Another key aspect to take into consideration is the stone’s structure. Moldavite has an amorphous structure, meaning that it does not have a definite shape, so moldavite may come in different sizes. Since the structure is amorphous, an authentic piece would not have a smooth finish, it would instead have bubbles or inclusions.
If you’re buying from Ebay or an online store, you can reach out to the seller and ask them where the moldavite came from. Moldavite is usually found in the Czech Republic, and has occasionally been found in Upper Austria and Germany. If your seller says the tektite has been found anywhere else, it is probably a fake.
Do not buy from Amazon, Wish, or any of those online stores that don’t know what they’re trying to sell. The best place to buy moldavite is from a trusted crystal store, somewhere you know won’t rip you off.
Now that I have moldavite, what do I do?
Cleanse! Of course, you can use incense or ethically sourced sage, but you can also cleanse with sea-water, rain/running water, sea salt, burying it back in the soil for at least twelve hours, or sunlight. Exposing the tektite to sunlight won’t just cleanse it but also charge it. It’s up to you! Remember to charge and set your intentions with the crystal, however you feel is best.
Once it’s all cleansed, charged, and the intentions are set, start wearing the crystal, but start off slowly. You can keep the tektite with you in your pocket, or make it into earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or rings.
Moldavite is not for me, but what are good alternatives to moldavite?
Libyan Desert Glass: Also a tektite, and a transformational stone that provides powerful enhancing energies that resonate with one’s solar plexus, sacral, and third eye chakra. Libyan Desert Glass is like moldavite, but is infinitely kinder. It provides you with a calming energy to help guard you against negative psychic energy, as well as works as a psychic shield.
Black Tektite: Perfect for grounding while astral travelling. Put a piece under your pillow or meditate with it.
Moss Agate: Stone of new beginnings and positivity. Great stone for attracting energy.
Chrysocolla: Stone of communication and inner truth, helps with self-expression.
Smoky Quartz: Blocks negative energy from around you and transmits it into positive energy. Very grounding and stabilizing.
Amethyst: Master healer, soothes on all levels; mental, emotional and physical. Helps you tune into your intuition.
Labradorite- Stone of intuition and connection to your higher self. Helpful for guidance during times of change.