Bringing Magick Back Into Your Life

In the busy life of the modern young adult, it can sometimes be hard to keep up a consistent practice. I’ve personally fallen a little out of step with the regular facets of my magick as of late, and what’s helped me get back into it is small steps to bringing magick back into my life

Daily Tarot Card Pulls

Pretty much any tarot beginner has heard that you should do a daily reading for yourself to familiarize yourself with your deck and the meaning of the cards. While this is awesome advice, I’m also of the belief that it’s a good way to start your day with a little magick. If divination isn’t your area of expertise, another great way to kick off your morning would be taking stock of any recent communications with your spirit guides or ancestors.

Simple Kitchen Magick

Kitchen Magick is one of my favorite parts of being a witch. I love baking, and magick has just added a little extra verve to whatever I’m making. Of course, sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation or time (or even ingredients) to make a whole cake or something, but you can incorporate kitchen witchcraft into any of your culinary adventures. I always like to manifest my goals for the day over my morning coffee, and I love putting my favorite herbs or magical ingredients in teas, or even cocktails! (note: ccm does not condone underage drinking ;-))

Taking Care of a Houseplant

Honestly I have so much respect for the people whose rooms are COVERED in plants, it always looks so cute and it’s a great way to give yourself a little daily responsibility. I highly recommend getting a small plant or two to take care of and just hang out with every day to bring out your inner Green Witch. For my forgetful witches and those who don’t have quite as successful of a green thumb as they would like, try a succulent. For Kitchen Witches, maybe try to grow some of your own herbs! If you’re looking for a beautiful challenge, go for a spider plant! There’s so many gorgeous ways to bring nature into your daily life.

Getting Outside

Speaking of nature, try to appreciate what’s around you a little more! Try to take a stroll through your local park if you have the time, or walk your pets. I know it can be hard to make time out of your busy schedule, but trust me, sometimes there’s nothing better than sitting under a huge tree and reading a horrible chick-lit novel. If you walk to school or to class or to work, try to learn what kind of trees or plants you see on your way (Snapchat has an awesome feature that can help you identify plants, how cool is that?) 


It’s not just for your junior year English class, I swear! Most witches use their Book of Shadows, or Grimoire, or whatever you want to call it, to log any tarot readings, observations on astrology, spells they’ve cast or studied, or anything else suitably witchy, but if you’ve found yourself lacking inspiration for your latest page it can be a great place to let go of some of your thoughts. Your craft is tied to your emotions, and it can be hard to focus on your magick when your head or heart is caught up somewhere else, especially for all of my empaths out there.


Regardless of your spiritual or religious journey, pretty much everyone can agree that meditation is great for you. At the end of the day, it can help you collect your thoughts and relax before winding down for the night. There are tons of great, short guided meditations on YouTube that will give you a break from the hustle and bustle of your day and help you connect with yourself and the world around you.

Remember, witchcraft is a personal journey, and there’s no right or wrong way to do it, but these are just some simple ways you can start to bring magick back into your daily life after a break. Take care of your mental and physical health, and let your craft serve you!


Witch 101: Spring Equinox


Playlist Magick