Religion, Spirituality, and Their Optional Coexistence
On being taught as a kid that astrology and tarot were at best, fantastical pastimes, and at worst, dangerous and blasphemous.
Mix Up the Mush
The pandemic has trapped me in an interminable mush. For over a year, I’ve been waist-deep in it, tossing day after day into the blender, chained to my bedroom and my hometown; cycling through similar walks, similar distractions; not sinking, but not moving forward.
Lie, but Be Honest About It
Is it possible to avoid creating fictional versions of ourselves for our social media accounts? Or will “honesty” always feel dishonest?
The Art of Itinerary
I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that there is so much out there in the world to be experienced, and I was stuck in my room re-watching nature films for the fifth time.
The final stretch was sand, so we walked it. From the parking lot, we’d taken dirt trails to a paved, well-established road called Monument; that road had split apart and turned back to dirt, the dirt to gravel, and now, the gravel to sand.
Gen Z vs. the 9-to-5
Gen Z doesn’t need to be confined to the mentality surrounding work that our parents and grandparents have had, because the current world we are living in is entirely unlike the one they entered during their adolescence.
Studio Ghibli and the Allure of Unled Lives
What’s behind our bittersweet attachments to classic Studio Ghibli movies? Perhaps the allure of a world without everyday anxieties — one that’s impossible, yet always seemingly in reach.
A Ticket to Everything
Online live performances are everything a young musician could ask for — but is constant access to greatness a double-edged sword?